Satoshi Nakamoto Flash News List | Blockchain.News

List of Flash News about Satoshi Nakamoto

Time Details
2024-07-17 12:11
High Court Rules Craig Wright Not Satoshi Nakamoto

According to @Dr_CSWright, on May 20, 2024, the High Court of England and Wales determined that Dr. Craig Steven Wright was dishonest in his claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. This ruling may impact the perception of Bitcoin's origins and influence market sentiment. (Source)

2024-08-05 17:35
Bitcoin Investors Divided Between Tech Stock and Digital Gold Perspectives

According to @ki_young_ju, Bitcoin investors are divided into two groups: those who view Bitcoin as a tech stock and those who see it as digital gold. The digital gold believers remain steady, while the tech stock believers tend to panic sell and switch to gold during adverse macroeconomic conditions. The tweet emphasizes that Bitcoin should rise in tough times, aligning with Satoshi Nakamoto's original intent. (Source)

2024-08-22 20:04
CSW's Appeal Document Claims Insider Knowledge on BitcoinTalk Credentials

According to BitMEX Research, Craig Steven Wright (CSW) has published a page from his application to appeal on his X account. In the extract, CSW falsely claims that knowing the credentials of Satoshi Nakamoto's BitcoinTalk forum account had been changed constitutes 'insider knowledge,' which he argues reinforces his position. (Source)

2024-08-22 20:04
CSW's Appeal Page Claims Insider Knowledge on Satoshi's BitcoinTalk Account

According to BitMEXResearch, Craig Steven Wright (CSW) has published a page from his appeal application on his X account. In this document, CSW falsely claims that knowing the credentials of Satoshi Nakamoto's BitcoinTalk forum account were changed constitutes 'insider knowledge,' which he argues supports his case. (Source)

2024-08-23 12:19
Justin Sun Clarifies Decentralized Nature of USDD Stablecoin

According to Justin Sun, USDD is a decentralized stablecoin protocol that is not associated with any individual's name. He compares it to Bitcoin, which was created by Satoshi Nakamoto but does not belong to Nakamoto. (Source)